Do you struggle finding the time to go to the driving range?

If your someone who doesn’t necessarily have the time to hit the range, but wants to get some work in this video is for YOU! Here is a great exercise to help structure the golf swing. Put the club over your shoulders and make sure the club face matches to your spine so that way it’s square. This is key in this exercise, it not only teaches you how to move better, but also to have more club face awareness.

If you struggle finding the time to get out and go practice, here is a great home exercise for you to do.

Do you suffer from Early Extension?

Here is a great drill to help you feel like your pelvis is saying back allowing you the space to help you rotate though the ball more. Early extension is something that can cause a two way miss, which is never fun!

Try this Drill next time you hit the range.

Early Extension is something very common you see in most golfers. What this means is on the downswing your right hip starts moving towards the ball. when this happens, it pushes your path more out to the right. This now makes you have to “safe” the shot by flipping yours hands at it.

Backswing Drill:

Grab a tee, set it straight behind the ball about 6in/1ft

Use this as your path to taking the club back. At address, are arms should form in the shape of a V, we want to try and maintain that for as long as we can to insure it makes it easier to stay on plane in the downswing.

Stay Tuned for more Drills!

Do you constantly push your shots or have these big over draws? Here is why:

Having more of an inside takeaway can cause you to come over the top, as well as get stuck on the downswing which will lead to a block out to the right.

If this is you, give this drill a try!

Showcase by MdO Media

MdO Media met up with me to make a quick promotional video